It is December 12, 2012
I am linking up with Simpson's Superstars today for the 12 on the 12th Linky Party! I read about it this morning and so my iPhone came in very handy today as I snapped some pictures of our eventful day and just some things around my room!
So here it goes...12 on the 12th!
1. This was one of my best friends today! Yay for some caffeinated beverages in
the last two weeks before Christmas break!
2. This was probably my 2nd best friend today. Cold and flu season has
taken over at our school. We have had a TON of kids and teachers out
with the flu, pneumonia, and Strep. :( I got this as a gift last year from a parent.
It stays behind my desk and is filled with hand sanitizer!
3. Our calendar! I have to say that even though we have a very short
Christmas break this year, I am counting down until those red cards cover
the days because that means SCHOOL's OUT! Seven more days! |
4. Buddy Reading! I love listening to my students read to partners.
5. Reading our Scott Foresman Story- The Garden and comparing and contrasting
Frog and Toad. I LOVE Frog and Toad. Usually we do a whole unit with them, but
that unit will have to wait as we are having too much fun with elves this week!
6. This is my treasure! It is my "Whisper Bell"! If you don't know about
I love mine and it has been a necessary part of my classroom this week. (The kiddos
think winter break starts this weekend, I think!)
7. Holidays Around the World- My country is Israel and we are learning about
Hanukkah. Here we are playing driedel.
8. I WISH I could take credit for this super cute door, but it belongs to my friend
down the hall. She is teaching about Germany and as the students rotate to her
they get to design gingerbread houses. I love her door. I am slightly jealous it is
not the door to my classroom! :) Nice work Amye!
9. These are some of my favorite classroom friends. Here they are just waiting to be
read with and loved. Too bad they have to wait until next week for their fun to begin!
10 and 11 are these super cute elves. The first one is slightly creepy and my student even said so as she asked, "Can I give it a beard and a mustache and can it have one big eye and one small eye?" I told her sure and told her that it was slightly scary. She completely agreed with a big smile on her face! Her elf is holding onto a reading comprehension activity for the book the Elves and the Shoemaker. The second picture has some of our other elves. Some of the kiddos completed applications for Elf positions at the North Pole. They turned out super cute.
8. This is the window behind my table/desk. Here I have some pics of students, pics of
"me" that the students drew, and a picture of my mom and I from last year! I keep these
here to give me that extra bit of inspiration!
Welcome into my world and I hope you enjoyed the 12 on the 12th!