Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Made It- Fixing Up Last Year's Project and a New One!

     It is Monday again and I am linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for another Monday Made It addition.  I don't know about you, but I love my summer craft projects.  They always seem to be better, though, as ideas in my head, versus the real thing.   

      For example, last summer I was SUPPPPPER excited to purchase stools from IKEA.  I spray painted them, put little numbers on them, and couldn't wait to set them up at my guided reading table.  Well, they were cute, and they looked GREAT at my guided reading table, until...the kids came in!  Oops!  I sort of forgot to factor in the kiddos and what would happen when they got their hands on them.   
     Here are some pictures from last year.  Click on the first picture and you can go back to my original post, last summer. 

     I tend to get a lot of fidgety kids or students with sensory needs.  So, my cute little stools turned into not so cute stools.  The students picked the paint away and left them looking like pretty rough.  Not to mention that my wiggly kiddos liked to wiggle on these stools.  Unfortunately, they aren't the best for wiggling and they started getting pretty loose by the end of the year. The picture makes them look better than they really look. Here is how they looked by the end of the year:

     So, today's project was to get these babies looking new again.  They are spray painted and and drying now. I haven't decided if I want to put the numbers back on them or not.  I will figure that out later.  For now, I am glad to see they are painted once again!

       The other project I worked on this week was really easy.  I saw it somewhere recently and I decided to try it out as well.  This coming year, I will have at least 5 Chromebooks in my classroom. So, on Meet the Teacher Night, instead of having parents fill out multiple forms telling me about dismissal, email, phone numbers, etc., parents will fill out one Google Form with all of this information.   Then the information can all be compiled for me.   This was super easy to create and it shouldn't take parents long to complete.  This way, they don't have to worry about completing multiple forms and asking figuring out which ones to turn in, etc.  I am hoping this works out well! 

Do you use Google Forms with your parents at school?  Have you used them with your students?  If so, how have they worked for you? 


  1. Um....those stools!!! So cute!!! Love them and love the numbers on them:) Thanks for linking up:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  2. So so so clever about the google link! I send home a welcome email as soon as I get my contact list from the office, that would be easy to have that included (and would save copies). Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. I did the same thing for Meet the Teacher this year and it was a big success - so nice to have parents TYPE in their own email so there weren't any misspells. :) Working smarter, not harder, right? !

  4. I love the idea of using a Google form at Meet the Teacher Night. Thank you for sharing, and good luck with your stools!

    Fit to be Fourth


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