Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Writer's Workshop is Up and Running!

       I have been extremely busy at school and don't have much time to write, but wanted to share how excited I am with my kiddos this year.  I used Lucy Calkins' Writer's Workshop for the first 8 years that I taught.  Last year was the first year that I didn't use Writer's Workshop.  When our new literacy support mentioned that she was hoping to introduce our school to Lucy Calkins, I was super excited!  
      We spent the first few weeks doing a ton of assessments required by the state and my district.  Now we are finally getting into our daily routine of writing.  My students are off to an amazing start and they are LOVING writing!  I am LOVING seeing their writing.  Here are a few of our anchor charts from the first few sessions!  

Happy writing!!!


  1. I love it! Thanks for my writing reminders.

  2. I love your anchor charts. Writing is hard for 3rd graders - I hope you're having success!

    1. Thanks! My kiddos are doing pretty well considering this is the first year that they have had this type of writing instruction

  3. Your charts are wonderful!!! The definitely inspire me to do something similar with my 3rd graders.


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