Monday, May 6, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Sale and a Thank You to a few Special Teachers!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day and Week!  

       I am extremely proud to say I am a teacher! I can't imagine doing anything but teaching and I have known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was little!  I have always loved school.  I loved my teachers!  As I got older, I realized I loved anything that involved being creative and I knew that I worked well with little children.  
        I grew up admiring my Grandpa. He was a teacher, a coach, and a principal.  He actually told me in an interview I did with him during college, that he never wanted to be a teacher.  He just wanted to be a coach.  I remember thinking later, that being a coach is a teacher, just on a different field.  I can't tell you how amazing it was to see the floods of students and colleagues at his funeral.  He may not have been known for  engaging his students (I hear he was sort of boring during biology haha), but he did have a major impact on many lives.  
I'm on the left, my Grandpa is in the middle, and my cousin is on the right.  

      I know the other reason I am a teacher is because of my amazing teachers that I had in Kindergarten and First Grade.  The funny thing is that I can't really remember a ton of those two years, but I always knew that I thought they were amazing teachers.  They left a huge impression on me.  Mrs. Brafman was my Kindergarten teacher at Kilgour Elementary School and I found out today that she is retiring this spring.  Mrs. Trame (Now Mrs. Wilkens) was my first grade teacher at St. Mary's!  These teachers will forever have a place in my heart!  
      Thank you to the parents, community members, colleagues  etc. that support teachers every day!  Thank you to my Mom who has been a huge supporter of me and my teaching since day one!    
      In honor of Teacher Appreciation Day, I am joining in on the sale.  Head over to my Teacher's Pay Teachers site and check out the sale!  What a great reason to shop!!  
     Thank you to for the cute button.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

1 comment:

  1. Your Grandpa would be proud of you! From watching you in the classroom with so many different children I can vouch for you. You actually carry the same enthusiastic energy of both Mrs. Brafman and Miss Trame. They would be proud of you too!


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