Sunday, February 10, 2013

100th Day Pictures are FINALLY here!

The 100th Day of School!

     Our 100th day was last Wednesday!  I have to say that it is a day that I always look forward to, but at the same time wish it fell at a different time of year.  It always falls right around Groundhog's day and  right before Valentine's Day!  Usually we plan our first grade field trip during this time too, but thankfully this year our field trip isn't until March! 
     Here are just a few highlights of some things we did on the 100th day:
  • Dress up as 100 year old people!  I do this too!  My kids LOVE it!
  • Make necklaces with 100 beads! They LOVE thesee necklaces and they last longer than when we have used fruitloops! haha :)
  • Make portraits of ourselves.  I saw this on a blog last year (I can't remember where) and then I saw it this year on Eberhart's Explorers.  They were super cute!
  • Do 10 sets of 10 exercises to get our some of our wiggles!
  • 100th Day Geocaching!  Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting activity.  The students work in small groups to move around outside and find different caches.  At each cache the students used clues to color part of their 100's charts and finally they made the number 100! 
  • Read a few 100th day books!
  • Write 100 words!
  • Write what he/she will do when he/she is 100 years old!
  • Make 100th day lapbooks.  This is a good way to have your students collect items all in one place. 

I hope you enjoyed your 100th day!  Only 98 to go for us!
- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Your 100 year old portraits are cute! We did that too. It's so much fun!
    First Grade Found Me


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